Wine sales made to Canadian citizens have upstate New York wine producers worried. They said they are losing business because Canada makes it too expensive for their citizens to buy New York state wines while visiting and then bring it home to Canada. Canadians are subject to duty in excess of 100 percent on wines sold here. This duty is what wine producers said puts them at a costly disadvantage. One local wine seller suggested imposing similar duties on Canadian wines brought into the U.S. might bring Canadian officials into discussions to work out more fair trade. "Logistically, I think that involves two things on the federal level," said Duncan Ross, owner of Arrowhead Vineyards in Lockport and a member of the Board of Directors for the Niagara Tourism and Convention Corporation. "That involves allowing the customs and border protection folks to collect a New York fee on Canadian wine. And then in the New York State legislature, we need at least the introduction of a fee on